We have seen our first whales for the season this weekend!
We were out on the water on Saturday for over 10 hours and saw ONE whale and again on Sunday and saw TWO whales.

We’re getting excited as we all know that the humpback whales are on their way, and we are gearing up for a bumper season.
At this stage we will start our whale season on July 1st, but if we see them appearing in volume beforehand we will let you know.
Why wait till July? Mainly because we really want to be whale watching, not “whale searching“!
It is a big ocean out there and with small numbers of whales it can often be difficult if not impossible to find them within the time allocation for a whale trip. Our aim is to give our guests an experience they can remember forever. Sailing about looking for whales may be memorable, but not for the right reasons!
If you a looking for an “intimate”, almost private whale watching trip, with lots of interaction and everything included – we offer two options.
- Crusader 1 – takes a maximum of 23 passengers – 3 hours
- Hela-Va Jet – takes a maximum of 10 passengers – 2 hours
Both trips guarantee you a rail side position with uninterrupted views of these amazing animals. And with an estimated 30,000+ humpback whales expected to migrate from Antartica along the Queensland coastline this year (a far cry from near-extinction caused by whaling not that long ago) numbers are increasing by between 10 and 15% year on year. These increases in numbers are becoming very much more noticeable each year now.
The journey from south to north is one of the longest migrations in the world and we would love to share this magical experience with you.
It was always believed that the whales gave birth once they were well up north in calm protected waters. We are now seeing more whales having their babies along the way. The question now is, how far up the coast will they travel with their calf before heading back.
This year we are excited to have “Humpbacks & High Rises” whale research on board to try and find out more about these magnificent creatures.
Generally speaking, over the last years, the absolute best time for whale watching has been August through October.
Get in early and book your seat on Crusader 1 or Hela-Va Jet.