Queensland’s whale watching season has started for some and it is not that far away before we begin as well.

We have picked a date – 2nd July, 2018 so book your spot by call Paddy on 0412 155 814.

It is expected to be another massive year so we thought we would keep you informed and give you some interesting facts about these fascinating creatures.

With the massive increase in Humpback Whales each year now, we are expecting to have over 30,000 pass the Sunshine Coast this season.

To be able to get you up close and personal with these majestic animals is exhilarating.  We love to be able to share this experience with you.

Some Fascinating Facts about Humpback Whales are: –

  • The average weight is 45 tonnes which is about 1000 children together
  • An average length of 13 to 17 metres which is about 10 adults lying head to foot.
  • The average lifespan is between 45 – 50 years
  • Calves are fed daily over 400 litres of rich milk which is the consistency of condensed cream
  • Adult Whales can hold their breath under water for over half an hour
  • An expelled breath or ‘blow’ that reaches a speed of between 300 – 500 kilometres per hour as it exists through the blowhole.
  • The Humpback Whale has two blow holes, one for each lung. Each of its lungs is the size of a small car.
  • Humans identify different whales is by their tails. Each whale has different characteristics, just like our fingerprints!
  • The Humpback Whale has no teeth instead they have baleen plates, that acts like a giant sieve!
  • They also have little or no sense of smell or taste
  • They do have very sensitive skin that is easily sunburned
  • Remarkable eyes with strong muscles that change the shape of the lens so they can see in the air or underwater.
  • Their eye the size of a grapefruit
  • Incredible hearing ranging over many kilometres for navigation, communication and finding food
  • Calls or songs that travel hundreds of kilometres
  • Pectoral fins that are ten times longer than your arm
  • You identify Whales mainly by their tail flukes  but also dorsal fins and body markings
  • They have a Belly Button as well.
  • Humpback calves stay with their mothers for 11–12 months before becoming independent. During this time, the biggest threat they face is attack by killer whales or sharks.


About Author

Jerry van Driel-Vis