Family Fun on the water
The water temperature is heating up already on the coast so we should be starting to see some good variety of fish coming through in November.
We headed out yesterday on a little “Half Day,” 5 Hour fishing trip.
Decided to cancel Saturdays trips as the forecast and actual were up around 25-30 knots. The general consensus was that our guests wanted to leave at 11.00 am and be back at 4.00 pm. Usually not a great time of the day for fishing but this trip is more about being out on the water, enjoying throwing in a line and just having some fun.
Turned out to be lots of activity – hooked onto over 50 fishing in that time, not a lot of keepers but we were on the spot and it’s all about hooking on, learning and fun.
Sarah booked her parents on for this trip as a gift. They had a Bacon & Egg Burger freshly made and ready for them when they arrived and a coffee to wash it down with. This was devoured while we were waiting for other guests to arrive.
They took home a couple of good sized fish for dinner and looked like they thoroughly enjoyed the trip.
Conditions were magnificent – blue skies, a light breeze, no swell – ideal.
Spanner Crabbing is closed now until late December so it’s all about the fishing and fun till then.
If you are after a few hours on the water with lots of laughs, check out our 5 hour fishing charter